Guild Party!!!

Lunch is Served!

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Please neomail _______ and ask for which plate lunch you would like and it will be sent to you! :)

Choose from the following plates:
Veggie Plate:
*Veggie Hot Dog
*Cheese and Onion Baked Apple
*Cherry Twist Lollipop
*Mega Rasmelon Smoothie

Junk Food Crazy Plate:


*Lemon Sprinkle Doughnut
*White Chocolate Techo Cookie
*Jam Pastry
*Sugar Bunny
*Strawberry and Cheese Milkshake

Health Food Plate:
*Honey and Wheat Baguette
*Super Sub
*Organic Green Grapes
*Organic Celery
*Apple Juice

Meat Lovers Plate:
*Sausage and Pepperoni Omelette
*Sphinx Links
*Extra Meaty Pie
*Duck Neck
*Cup of Water


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